Psoriasis is a one of the depresioned chronic disease in the world.In this immune system acts opositely in the body.Psoriasis effects all over the body. HERIDITERY FACTOR:- Some families effects heriditory in psoriasis.Patient effects depression in chronic psoriasis.Altered immune system some times effect Arthrities.Some times this Inflametory factor effects heart attack,stroke,diabeties and heigh blood pressure etc. EFFECTIVE FACTORS IN PSORIASIS:-(1) cold,dry atmospheare (2) depression (3)some drugs(anti malarial,beta blokers etc,) (4)Infections and other diseases (5)habits (6)hormonal disorders (7)some food suplements etc. TYPES OF PSORIASIS:-In this 5 types. They are (1)plegue psoriasis:- popularly seen in world (2) GUTTA PSORIASIS:-this type attacks suddenly,mostly seen in children. (3)PHUSTULAR PSORIASIS:-this is pus related psoriasis (4) INVERSIVE PSORIASIS:-in this red colored patches are seen in skin corners. (5) EXYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS:-in this red colored inflammations are present. In this chronic conditions so many constitutional methodes are available in UNANI MUDICAL SYSTEM,named as REGIMENTAL THEORAPHY. some UNANI MEDICINES are given below. (1) MAJOON-E-USHBA (2) ITRIFAL-E-SHAHETRA (3) MURHEM-E-QUBA.
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