haii viewers know the folk medicine of unani ?.its a arabic herbal formulated medicine.in this cured so many chronic deaseses like psoriasis,arthritis,heart,lungs,brain and liver related disorders.also cures hormonal and genitic disorders.having a speciality wing named regimental theoraphy.there are so many wings in regimental theoraphy.named 1.cupping 2.leeching 3.steam bath 4.massege 5.cauterization 6.vomiting 7.venesection 8.expectoration etc.in this treatment there is no diet restrictions and no side effects. acording to unani literature human temperament is in four stages.(1)dry (2)wet (3) hot (4) cold etc.and human nature is in four types.(1)phlem (2)balgam (3)black bile (4)yellow bile etc.human body having seven powerful chakras (1)muladara chakra(root chakra) (2)vesudda chakra(throut chakra) (3)swadistana chakra(sacral chakra) (4)aajya chakra(bow chakra)(5)anahata chakra(hart chakra) (6)manipoora chakra(solar flexes) (7)sahasrara chakra (crown chakra) etc.first chakra controls whole human body consruction and development. secondary chakra swadistana controls body reconstruction system. third manipoora controls total digestive system,liver and spleen. fourth heart chakra controls heart,lungs,pumping and immune system. fifth throut chakra controls thyroid gland.sixth aajya chakra controls chemical actions and endocranial system. seventh crown chakra controls human body,hormonal,brain and central nervous system etc.the whole seven chakras are inter related to one another.
according to the folk medicine of unani human seasons are in four stages .they are 1.child hood 2.young stage 3.middle age 4.old age.in these old age [geriatrics] problems are a lot.
in moderen life style most of the people are suffering from insomnia.
causes:-(1)over work busy (2)usege of medicines for heart,lung deaseses,(3)over thinking (4)depression,(5)on proper merrage life(6)daily life style etc.
features:- (1)on reason for sleeplessness.according to unani medical system insomnia developed through vaatha,kapha,pitta doshas. insonia due to vaatha :-having exitment,depression. controlling factares :-maintain regular biological clock,take milk before sleep,avoid stress factores. insomnia due to pitta :-irregular sleep having
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