every female gender facing these following fourteen problems.they are (1)aneamea:- most of the bakward countries acing these aneamea in females .mainly indian people mostly suffering these problem.in these shortage of red blood cells(r.b.c) called aneamea.these cells carries blood with pure oxygen throughout the body.iron defficiency also causes aneamic condition. causes:-most of the females over menstration causes aneamea (2) red blood cell construction system disorder (3)in females milk feeding time (4) uterine fibroids also causes anemea condition.symptoms:-weakness,wheezing,headache,body over cooling,over exiting,restlesness,chest pain,angry and low ability etc.facing:-(1) more iron content food like greeny leaves.kurjura,coconut,meet,liver and fish products. (2) poly cystic overian syndrome:- overies having water cystes called poly cystic overian syndrome,thes syndrome causes so many problems in females.(1)irregular menstral cycle (2)infertility (3)hormonal disbalance (4)disorder in heart and blood vessels. causes:-over production of male sex hormone androgen. expect these is a genitical disorder. side effects:- (1)ache on face (2)unwanted hair growth (3) bold head (4)obesity (5)egg relesing problems (6) irregular menstral cycle etc. facing:- (1)change life style like regular diet and sleep (2)control processed artificial food supliments (3) control sugar contents (4) use more fiber food,vegetables,greeny leaves etc.there is no systemic treatment.(3)breast cancer:-unlimited cancer cells developed in brest,these cancer cells formed as a tumour.some times tumours extends near by cell tissues,limph nodes finally all over the body.they are two types.(1)dactal carcinoma (2)lobular carcinoma. fetures:- (1)tumours formed in breast (2)change in brest shape,weight,quality and volume (3)abnormal secretions in nipples (4) change shape in nipples (5)chage skin quality,itching and reddeshness etc. faceing:-treatment according to stage of brest cancer,tumour volume and health condition etc. comman treatment ways:-operation,radiotheraphy,chemotherapht,hormonal theraphy and target theraphy. (4)achnae:-due to hormonal disbalance. causes:-hormonal disbalance,over secretion of testosteron levels and pcos etc. side effects:-male tone,hard skine,muscles and reduced brest size treatment:- maintain dry skin, (5)endometriosis:- endometrium developes both inner and outer sides of uterus.this effects overis,fallopean tubes and abdominal parts. features:-pain at the time of menstral cycle, back pain,abdominal pain,pain in inter course,burning urenation with pain,infertility,constipation and acedity. (6)urinary tract infection:- effects kidneys .causes:-bacterial infections,bladder infection,phylonefrities,urethrities etc. features:- pain in urination,back pain, abdominal pain,fever,nasia,poly urination etc.(7)thyroid problems:-thyroid located center on the neck.secretes thyroxine(t4),tri ido thyramine(t3)this hormone regulates all body metabolism.hormonal disorders are (1)hyper thyroidism (over secretion),(2)hypothyroidism(low secretions).hyper thyroidism:-weight loss,gaiter,itching,resperatory problems,sleep disterbance,sweeting,general weakness etc.hypothyroidism:-irregular functioning of htyroid gland.-mental depression,over weight,dri skin,constipation,irregular menstration in femals etc.(8)oesteoporosis:-facese menophase femals.causes reduction of estrogen female hormone. (9)premenstrual syndrome:-causes are not known.over hormonal changes before menstration causes this syndrome.features:-brest tenderness,sleeplessness,constipation,headache,back pain,tenderness and depresion etc.(10) urinari incontinense:-uncontrol on urination.problem increses through more use of caffine,tea,drinks,alchohal and depresion etc.treatment :-change life style,lean bladder drill etc.(11)fibroids :-hormless fibroids growth in uterus (12)irretable boul syndrome :-features :-abdominal pain,constipation,watery stool,mucus in stool,nasea etc.treatment:-take vitaminised food,take regular food with fibere etc. (13)rhuematoid arthrities :-pain in joints,anearaxia,general weekness,muscle tenderness etc.treatment :-improve immune system,lead regular life style and maintain biological clock etc. (14)depresion :-mentally depressed,anxiety,aneuraxia,headache and digestive problems etc. treatment :-lead regular life style,maintain peaceful atmospear,take vitaminised food with fibere contents.
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