Saturday, 5 April 2014

one of the modern living disease... liver disorders.

various types of liver disorders are mostly caused by modern living style like junk foods,taking of unwanted over food meterials,stress,disturbed biological clok,over alcohalic and smoking and toxinised food meterials etc.liver is the one of the largest gland in the body.liver carcinoma is most dangerous than other liver all cancer deaths liver cancer occupies in third place.fibraury 4th is world cancer day. liver cancers are in two types.cancer cells are self produced in liver.this type mostly in united states.another liver cancer mostly seen in india and asian countries.named as hepato celular carcinoma (hcc).this hcc attacks through hepatitis virus.causes of liver cancers;- In liver HCC cancers mostly causes hepatites-B and C.hemocromatosis condition also causes proper exercise,fatty liver and by birth liver problems also causes HCC cancers. over Alcohalic and smoking also one of the cause. Risk factors ;- heridetery obesity,type-2 diabetes,biliary atratia,infantile colestacis,glycogen storage disease etc. Specialy in any type of liver disorders ayurveda and indian unani herbal mixing compound drugs are best of the best in the world.these mixed drugs are available in india through Dr Raghunath's  Sai harika unani speciality hospital. contact number +9133833868. this mixed herbal drugs are most able to cure various liver disorders like fatty liver,bulky liver,liver cirrhosis etc.

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