In present modern life style living side effects in society are mainly PSORIASIS, ARTHRITIS,BLOOD CLOTS and FREE RADICLES formation. These free radicles effects cancers,heart problems and peralysis etc. Mainly one of the modern life living disorder is JOINT PAINS.Mainly classified into these following types. AESTEO ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS, ONCHILOGING SPONDILYTIS, GOUTY ARTHRITIS etc.Nearly these joint pains are 100 types.REASONS :-Aceidental tissue damages,joint dislocations,ligaments and cartilage dameges,sprains,blood clots in between joints causes joint pains. INFECTIONS:-infectional joint pains are mainly caused by irregular modern living styles, irregular biological clocks and stress related life styles.Immune system weakness/damaged due to modern living styles.Some times bone infections also present.These bone infections are called as OSTEO MYLITIES.Its a rare case,generally appear in 5 to 12 years age groups.These modern life style infections are generally seen in Diabetic,Aids and rheumatoide arthritis etc. One of the important modern living disorder is inflammetory joint pains.Its a AUTO IMMUNE disorder.
Awareness on Indo-Arabic mixed herbal unani drugs.Available from India in Dr gurram Raghunath's Sri Sai Harika Unani Speciality Hospital,treated all chronic and acute diseases and regimental theoraphy(speciality wing)also available.No side effects,compleatly safe.
Friday, 29 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Mens retired habbi syndrome....?
Retirement from services is a simple thing.But it is a horrible issue in a case of house wife. Most of the wives are stressed about retired husbands. house wives faced lot of problems through retired husbands.Through these stressed problem causes Insomnia, stressed related problems are attacked to women.this problem technically called RETIRED HABBI SYNDROME. Some stressed mental condition is present in retired men.This condition is not noted in employed men.The retired employees are expressed their stressed unhappy,mainly on house wives.Their mental condition also irregular due to sudden changes of our regular biological clock and surroundings.employee women are more suffering through this retired habbi syndrome than house wives.this syndrome is a world wide problem. Causes and Remedies :- don't stay in lonely places and spent more time in work,through this physical and mentally more active and creative. Most of the time spent in house hold work. Retirement means not a mental,only physical (professional). always maintain activeness through book reading,old cinema views and filling puzils etc.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Blood is the most important for strength of every human being mainly in aethletics.In modern aethletics main disorder is BLOOD AND GENE DOPING.These doping effects so many disorders and side effects in aethlets. types of doping in aethletics:- Drug Doping is old passion.In modern doping is in two types. blood doping :-used to take more blood of normal aethlet than blood doped aethlet at the time of events.Blood doping main concept is more development of red blood cells in blood flow,these causes lot of oxygen amount supplies to skeletal muscles from lungs,in this results dopped aethlet not effected from minimum stress.oxygen supply is depends on heamoglobin mass and heart pumping capacity.Normal aethlets heart gives 80% output..... but additional oxygen absorbed heart output is 90 to 95% (doped aethlets).heamoglobin mass development gives increasing oxygen percentage in veins. BLOOD DOPING is mainly in 3 TYPES:-1. ERYTHROPROTIEN (E.P.O) :-erythroprotien is a glycoprotien hormone secreated from middle fibroblast cells, these is indication of erythropoisis (red blood cells production) in bone marrow.Improved oxygen supply in blood through develop heamocytoblasts (R.B.C stem cells).mainly used this process in cancer patients from side effects of chemotheoraphy and radiation.dopped aethlets (cyclists and amature aethlets) developes E.P.O through most powerful drugs. 2. HYPOXIA INDUCEBLE FACTOR :- These called as H.I.F STABILIGER activates E.P.O in dopped aethlets body. H I F stabiliser protects from anaemia, activated hypoxia, biological stress, and vasoglucogenesis etc.most of the cyclists take cobalt chloride / disferaximine combination H I F stabilizer.This activates and controls normal E P O hormone in the body. E P O produces through kidnies in blood at the time of oxygen quantity in 40 mmhg. this results increases haemoglobin transport in blood. continues e p o through take different drug combinations in doped aethlets. BLOOD CHANGING :-This is one of the modern doping way, in this main concept preservative collected blood (with plenty of RBC stored blood) is injected by doped aethlets body before the events.These extra RBC carries more oxygen supply at the time of events. GENE DOPING :- This is a most modern doping at present. doping named as REPO OXYGEN method, this artificial method effects more side effects. WORKING:- chronic anaemic patients are treated by gene theoraphy for increasing repo oxygen. DNA packaged virus is introduced to doped aethlet at required body parts for increasing oxygen supply in required body parts. some times cancers also effected due to loss of genetic properties in own body muscles. Modified gene produces erythroprotien reach to bone marrow by blood flow and results to produce excess RBC count.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Water and hot drinks like tea and coffee 90% of people used throughout the world. After Beer takes second place in the world. BEER....... SOME MIRACLES ;- (1)First beer leaked year 1814 in London. leaked beer volume is 3,88,000 Galans like small river. (2) 0% of FAT in beer. (3) Akila named galaxy clouds filled with mysterious main chemical of METHYL ALCOHAL. This Methyl alcohol is sufficient to prepare Beer volume of 400 trillian trillian faints Beer. (4) Japan prepare a Beer called Space Barley through space cultivated barley. (5) In meddle eras mostly used Beer than water due to more harmful bacteria in water,in that water purifies through Beer in that eras. (6) American Beer manufacturing company DAGFISH HEAD prepares SELEST JUVEL-L through fossils powder from MOON. (7) empty Beer bottles phobia called CENOSILLICEPHOBIA. (8) Nobel prize Scientist Nils bore through automic model get a prize by local Beer company to arrenge direct Beer pipe line to his house. (9) one of the world wonder of Geeza piramide construction workers daily remunation is 4 litres per day. (10) Mathue hug body is just like a Beer factory due to AUTO FERMENTATION SYNDROME.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
This awareness(DOWNS SYNDROME) is most important for late carrying women. RISK FACTOR THROUGH LATE AGE PREGNENCY. In 25 years age -downs syndrome risk is 1 in1,250babies.In 30 years age -risk factor is 1 in 1000 babies.35 years age -risk factor is 1 in 400 babies. In 40 years age -risk 1 in 100 babies. In 45 years age -risk factor one in 30 babies. Natural human chromosomal number is 46 in any reason disorder of 23 chromosomal pair causes DOWNS SYNDROME. These disordered children have some mental disorders. DISORDERS IN DOWNS SYNDROME CHILDREN ;-some important physical and mental disorders;-poor muscular arrangement throughout the body, blunt skin back of the body, fatand nose, gaps in frontal bones, cemian trees on palm, small size of ears and mouth, broad palm and small fingers, abnormal eye position, large head, incomplete mental fertility. OTHER PROBLEMS (physical);-heart disorders(atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect),eye disorders, intestinal disorders, hip dislocation, constipation, hypothyroidism etc. TREATMENT;-There is no particular treatment in allopathic medical systems. Some thing useful in herbal drugs with suitable exercises and language and speech theoraphy, audiologist help etc. REMEDY;-in time pregnancy and well food maintenence is something good remedy for this disorder.
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Romance is one of the part in every human life style.Romantic feelings are one of the good healthy sign.Loss of interest in Romance and Romantic feelings are one of the unhealthy sign .CAUSES;- (1)irregular hormonal functioning (2)Stressed irregular biological life style (3) some diseases and drugs (4) irregular personal life style etc .SOME REMEDIES ;- regular exercise,stop smoking,peaceful life style,treated with herbal drugs like UNANI, AYURVEDA and YOGA and regular usage of some NUTS and GRAINS.these NUTS increases sexual strength and interest. NUTS have plenty of zinc,selenium and vitamine-E etc.ZINC increases sexual interest and omega 3 and faty acids increases DOPAMINE levels in brain. Dopamine also increases sexual feelings. STRAW BERRY ;-these seeds have rich ZINC levels.zinc controls male sex hormone of TESTOSTERONE and increases sexual feelings and control erectile problems.zinc and anti oxidents maintain well flexibility in sexual organs. ANJURA;-these fruits have calcium,iron,potassium and zinc with fibere in heigh levels. Fibere protects heart and its function,and also control obesity.these fibere protects heart and its related blood vessels flexibility and also protects heart pumping ability. EGGS;- daily work load also one of the reasone in reduction of sexual interest.EGGS have rich proteins.these helps quik recovery from work load to body.AMINOACIDS also enriched in eggs.these Amino acids protects heart and erectile disorders. WATER MILAN FRUIT;-work like 'vayagra'. CITRULENE enriched in this fruit.
Monday, 21 July 2014
Butter milk is one of the important natural herbal medicine.Mainly in UNANI (INDO-ARABIC FORMULATION)medicinal preparation is in ten types.They are (1)maddita;-naturally it is cooling,tasty,light and butter in taste.Mainly in this prepare without water mix called maddita butter milk.used in disorders of intestinal,urinary,aneuraxia and general weakness disorders. (2)militha(mixed) butter milk;-preparation;-1% milk and curd,3%water mix called mixed butter milk.All seasons better to use this type of butter milk.cures aneuraxia,diarrhea,blood disorders etc. (3)Gola butter milk;-1% curd 2% water mix preparation called Gola butter milk.used for semen improvement,eye disorders,aneuraxia and toxic effects etc. (4)SHADABA butter milk;- 1%milk 5%water mix preparation called SHADABA .used in over bleeding,bleeding piles and improves epitite. (5)KAALASEYA butter milk;-2% water mix in curd called kaalaseya butter milk.used for cooling effects,toxins,oedema,anti ageing,piles and aneamic conditions etc. (6) KARAMADITA butter milk;-mix equal parts both curd and water.used for the disorders of aneuraxia,cold,piles,oedema,pistula semen and general debility etc. (7) UDASWITHA butter milk;- 3% curd mix with 1% water called udaswitha.usefull in all types of disorders. (8)TAKRA butter milk;-used in aneamic,piles,odeama and aneamic conditions. (9)DANDAHATHA butter milk;- 2% water mix in curd.used in urinary tract,piles aneuraxia etc disorders. (10)ATHIMILITHA(over mix) butter milk;- 9% water mix in curd,used for head related,piles and intestinal disorders.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
The TURMERIC Indian sanscrit name is HARIDRA/NISA. Unani terminalogy named as HALDI.This is great instant powerful Antibiotic,easily available in every kitchen.Used as both external and internal with mixing of other herbals.Its bitter in taste.Used as phlem reliever and other lungs disorder.Increases Epitite,purifies blood disorders,wormisidal,leprosy,skin disorders,Oedema,liver disorders,eye disorders,cures septic and diabetic wounds.Turmeric smog relieves Hysteria,Haldi water steam relieves sinus and lung disorders. SIDE EFFECTS:-over usege of Turmeric effects Heart and Semen.
Monday, 7 July 2014
Psoriasis is a one of the depresioned chronic disease in the world.In this immune system acts opositely in the body.Psoriasis effects all over the body. HERIDITERY FACTOR:- Some families effects heriditory in psoriasis.Patient effects depression in chronic psoriasis.Altered immune system some times effect Arthrities.Some times this Inflametory factor effects heart attack,stroke,diabeties and heigh blood pressure etc. EFFECTIVE FACTORS IN PSORIASIS:-(1) cold,dry atmospheare (2) depression (3)some drugs(anti malarial,beta blokers etc,) (4)Infections and other diseases (5)habits (6)hormonal disorders (7)some food suplements etc. TYPES OF PSORIASIS:-In this 5 types. They are (1)plegue psoriasis:- popularly seen in world (2) GUTTA PSORIASIS:-this type attacks suddenly,mostly seen in children. (3)PHUSTULAR PSORIASIS:-this is pus related psoriasis (4) INVERSIVE PSORIASIS:-in this red colored patches are seen in skin corners. (5) EXYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS:-in this red colored inflammations are present. In this chronic conditions so many constitutional methodes are available in UNANI MUDICAL SYSTEM,named as REGIMENTAL THEORAPHY. some UNANI MEDICINES are given below. (1) MAJOON-E-USHBA (2) ITRIFAL-E-SHAHETRA (3) MURHEM-E-QUBA.
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