Friday, 29 August 2014

Modern life style disorder....

In present modern life style living side effects in society are mainly PSORIASIS, ARTHRITIS,BLOOD CLOTS and FREE RADICLES formation. These free radicles effects cancers,heart problems and peralysis etc. Mainly one of the modern life living disorder is JOINT PAINS.Mainly classified into these following types. AESTEO ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS, ONCHILOGING SPONDILYTIS, GOUTY ARTHRITIS etc.Nearly these joint pains are 100 types.REASONS :-Aceidental tissue damages,joint dislocations,ligaments and cartilage dameges,sprains,blood clots in between joints causes joint pains. INFECTIONS:-infectional joint pains are mainly caused by irregular modern living styles, irregular biological clocks and stress related life styles.Immune system weakness/damaged due to modern living styles.Some times bone infections also present.These bone infections are called as OSTEO MYLITIES.Its a rare case,generally appear in 5 to 12 years age groups.These modern life style infections are generally seen in Diabetic,Aids and rheumatoide arthritis etc. One of the important modern living disorder is inflammetory joint pains.Its a AUTO IMMUNE disorder.

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